Category / Photography

Natural Meeting Venues in 2025

Natural Meeting Venues with Amazing Natural Views Holding a business meeting in the open and being treated to a wide view of Nature can increase creativity and productivity to the participants. Magelang and Borobudur area can be an option to hold seminars or meetings. The location’s natural surroundings of rice fields and mountains like Mount...CONTINUE READING
The Outdoor Area Of Kedai Bukit Rhema

Cafe Recommendations in Magelang in 2025

Magelang’s Nature Concept Cafes As a college student from Untidar who currently doing an internship in Bukit Rhema, I see that cafe and coffee lifestyle is important for me. Here are some cafes recommendation from me for you to visit in this 2025. Cafes in Magelang are unique, each cafes has their own atmosphere and...CONTINUE READING
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